• Through psychotherapy, we promote healthy emotional development and self-esteem.

    “Our therapist has made my daughter feel confident about herself.”

  • Through educational support, we strengthen academic achievement, improve literacy skills and prepare students to succeed.

    “Our daughter is doing 100% better
    in school.”

  • Our new Parent Education Program offers valuable support to parents
    and caregivers through lectures, workshops, discussion groups,
    and individual consultation.

    “Thank you for all your help and support in my child and family's wellness endeavors.”

  • Our school-based mental health
    counseling programs help students
    and parents engage in learning and the school community.

    “Ann Martin Center has made a HUGE
     difference!  My child can talk about his big feelings without being judged.”

AMC Fall 2018 Update

In case you missed it, we released an update from Interim Executive Director Hasse Leonard-Pagel, PhD. Read the update here for new initiatives and expansion opportunities for more children & youth to access critical mental health and educational support services.

Support Ann Martin Center

Join our Technology Matching Grant Challenge!

Due to a generous foundation grant, we have secured matching challenge funds of up to $23,000 for critically needed technology upgrades and hardware. Now we need YOUR HELP to raise these funds.


A donation of any size to Ann Martin Center can help provide counseling, educational support, and parent training for a child and family in need. Please make your gift today!