Educational Assessment Services at Ann Martin Center
Educational Assessments
All assessment services at Ann Martin Center begin with an intake process that includes completing a form covering the developmental and educational history of the client, reasons for services, and concerns. Documents from the educational setting and other professional services will also be incorporated, and testing sessions are then held. A written report putting all this information together is then written with a focus on understanding learning strengths and weaknesses as well as the best learning strategies. The process ends with a meeting explaining the results and recommendations.
Psychoeducational Assessment
A psychoeducational assessment focuses on the learning process. This assessment determines strengths and weaknesses of cognitive processing (reasoning, memory, visual/auditory processing, fluency) along with the strengths and weaknesses in basic academic skills, fluency, and problem solving. Documenting developmental and education history is included with the testing process to complete a full picture of the learning process. Completed by educational therapist or psychologist. Fee: $1,600
Psychoeducational Assessment with Emotional/Behavioral Component
This includes the elements of the Psychoeducational Assessment and adds assessment processes for different behavioral/emotional areas including ADHD, executive function, high functioning autism and mood disorders. This process includes interviews, further testing, and questionnaires completed by other family members and school personnel. Completed by a clinical psychologist. Fee: $2,000-3,000
Pre-reading Assessment
Readiness for first grade is often a major concern facing parents and educators. This assessment is designed to look at phonological processing (knowing and manipulating the sounds in words); visual and auditory processing including memory and discrimination; receptive and expressive oral language; and academic skills. Fee: $900
Educational Testing Consultation
Consultation and review can be very useful in determining the best next step to address educational problems. Consultations could be warranted for several reasons – a complexity of learning challenges (attention, speech, social interactions, academic); questions about response and services provided by the school; needing to accurately know the areas of academic strengths and weaknesses; or the implementation of support services is not producing the desired improvements.
The following services could be included:
• Reviewing the case history and documents.
• Completing academic achievement testing.
• Meeting with school personnel to explain the results.
• Interviewing family & school personnel.
• Writing a report with recommendations with a final review meeting.
This consultation and review is designed to provide a detailed examination of the situation and needs of a client. Ann Martin Center does not provide advocacy services……………Fee: hourly basis at $100 per hour, 2 hour minimum
1. What is educational assessment?
Educational assessments at their core rely on standardized tests that measure cognitive (thinking) abilities and academic achievement. These measurements provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses which accurately identify areas for academic remediation and insight into the best learning strategies. These measurements also determine if certain standards are met that fit the definition of a learning disability.
2. Why do an educational assessment?
Educational assessments provide details into the learning process that will provide the learner, family members and school staff the best learning strategies. Educational assessments provide the necessary documentation for the legal purposes of establishing the presence of a disability (note: the assessment process does not guarantee that this finding will be accepted by schools and/or accommodations provided). Reaching a decision to have an educational assessment is often arrived at after a period of struggle, distress, and different efforts at improving the educational process with limited success.
3. What makes assessments at Ann Martin Center different and special?
At the beginning of the process we strive to ensure that the assessment is the best and appropriate service for your specific circumstance at this time. Our focus is therapeutic and we want the assessment process to be positive and nurturing, and we intend the assessment to be the beginning point of setting the right course for future academic and personal success. Our assessments are comprehensive and thorough (for example, we routinely administer both the WJ-III and Wechsler cognitive unlike many other providers).
4. What are standardized tests?
Standardized tests are designed by publishers to provide an accurate assessment, or measure, of a specific defined skill or ability. Test results are reported as a percentile ranking (how the client compares in ability and skill to other people his/her age).
5. What is cognitive processing?
Cognitive processing looks at mental functions in relation to learning. Areas included in an assessment are verbal and visual reasoning-the ability to perceive, understand, and engage in problem solving; auditory and visual processing; different components of memory like short-term, working, and long-term; and cognitive fluency.
6. What is academic achievement?
These are the skills typically taught and assessed in school in reading, writing, and math. The assessment will examine basic skills, fluency, and problem-solving skills. Areas for remediation can be then targeted.
7. What happens during an assessment?
Assessments are conducted in a one-on-one setting and our staff takes pride in the rapport we establish with our clients. The individual tests are relatively short and there is a wide variety of activities. Breaks are taken as needed and the length of the sessions will vary based on the client.
8. What else should I know or ask?
Make sure that all regular medications are taken, especially any for ADHD. Have a good rest the night before and snacks are welcome. Wear (or bring) glasses, even if used occasionally. Always check in with the assessor if there are questions about logistics or health concerns.
Contact Us
Shawn Usha, MA, Educational Assessment Coordinator……………..,
Ann Martin Center educational assessment services are conducted at: 3664 Grand Avenue in Oakland (at the corner of Weldon and Grand Avenue near the Grand Lake Theater)