School-based Psychotherapy
Ann Martin Center provides on-site psychotherapy to students at nine Oakland schools including eight OUSD (Oakland Unified School District) public elementary schools and one K-12 charter school. We offer individual, group, and parent/family consultation and therapy, as well as classroom interventions.
Services include behavior management consultation to teachers, participation in COST and IEP meetings, consultation to parents/caregivers, in-service training for teachers and school staff, partnering with school administrators and staff, and fostering school climates that are safe and supportive in collaboration with parents, teachers and staff.
We currently have teams of on-site clinicians in the following Oakland schools:
- Allendale Elementary
- Brookfield Village Elementary
- Burckhalter Elementary
- EnCompass Academy
- Franklin Elementary
- Howard Elementary
- Lighthouse Community Charter School
- Lodestar Community Charter School
- Markham Elementary
- Piedmont Avenue
- Sobrante Park / Madison Park Academy
- Westlake Middle School.