Parent Education Program
Our Parent Education Program at Ann Martin Center strengthens parent-child-family relationships by addressing parenting concerns about their child’s emotional, behavioral, and academic development. With an emphasis on prevention and early intervention, our workshops provide vital support, skills, and tools that promote positive parenting.
Workshops are FREE unless noted otherwise.
Location & Parking: , Emeryville, CA. Our clinic is four blocks west of San Pablo Avenue and two blocks south of Powell Street.
For map and directions, see There is a guest parking lot opposite the main entrance to our building. Street parking is also available.
Collaboration with the Parents Education Network (PEN)
Ann Martin Center is excited to join efforts with the Parents Education Network (PEN) to co-sponsor several of our Parent Education Workshops.
PEN is a membership-based coalition of parents collaborating with educators, students and the community to empower and bring academic and life success to students with learning and attention differences. PEN focuses on delivering high-impact, high-quality programs including Student Advisors for Education (SAFE), parent support meetings, a parent education speakers series and EdRev, PEN’s annual resource conference . PEN is based in San Francisco with affiliates in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Dallas, and Phoenix. For more information, visit
Current Workshops
Please check back in August for a list of our 2016-2017 Parent Education Workshops.
For questions, requests, or suggestions for speakers and topics:
Please email , Community Education Coordinator, or leave a message at .
Click here to view past workshops.
Special Thanks
We gratefully acknowledge the generous sponsorship support of the Wells Fargo Foundation, Kaiser Permanente East Bay Community Benefit Program, and the Robert & Helen Odell Fund.